This is the story of Eve Prime Fout (1929-2007) and her Chincoteague pony, Spoogie Woogie. Spoogie Woogie’s part begins in 1938, when she was a young foal bought at Pony Penning. Like many foals at the time, she was brought back home in the backseat of a car! Owned at first by Mrs. W.S. Stokes Jr. of Edgemont, PA, Spoogie Woogie lived with horse trainer Alexander Calvert in Warrington, Virginia. Spoogie Woogie was special, and she was a small thing: she was about 12hh when her horse show career began, and grew to be somewhere under 13hh. One writer later described her as having “tremendous jumping ability and even more personal charm.” She was broke to ride by Calvert and rider Hamilton Jackson as a two year old, and a mere three months later, she was competing in shows over fences, earning ribbons and beating out seasoned show horses with a child rider on her back. That child was a young Eva Fout, known in those days as Eva Prime. She rode Spoogie Woogie in her first ...
The stories behind the beloved breed